Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rome Pics

So I haven't written anything about Rome yet... but today we spent the day seeing a "Roman" tour of the city, trying to see most of the things that exist still from the Roman empire. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, and we have had enough museums for a while, so we set out to see the city by foot. I will post some pics here, and write more in a couple days... whenever I am back at Alana's with internet again.

Ok, so I have to write a lot, and there are more pics to come, but now we are headed back to the hostel for bed... which is an experience to be recorded in and of itself... but not here. Tomorrow we are off to see the Vatican, maybe I'll be able to see where Robert Langdon was... ok probs not, but o well!


  1. Hi sweetie! What terrific writing - I am in your footsteps, or shadow, or something close by anyway! OK, so you're in Rome - so promise me that you'll have a gelato at Giolitti's - it's right near the Pantheon (exact address: via Uffici del Vicario, 40) and will be a rich, yummy reward for any day's discoveries! I'll be really interested to read your thoughts on issues of authenticity in Rome vs. Florence (still a puzzle to me what happened in the latter; still a sublime marvel to be in the former!). Hearty congrats on the Three Magi painting - the heroic stance and gesture of the Ethiopian Magi is worthy of note: definitely a contender for that early heroicization you discussed so brilliantly in your paper! Safe and terrific travels, my dear!

  2. P.S. Are you going to rename your blog "Avanti Populo" while in Italy? hee hee :-)
